Four season tree“Not only are we in the Universe, the Universe is in us.“  “To learn is to become closer to Nature”    Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist, Director of the Hayden Planetarium.

“In the past, people practiced the Tao, the Way of Life. They understood the principle of balance as represented by the transformations of the energies of the universe.” (from one of the foundational Classic Chinese medical texts)

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has its roots deep within ancient Taoist philosophy. The ancient Taoists were keen observers of nature and human beings within nature and recognized universal laws underlying the existence of all things.  They taught a holistic picture of human life and its relationship with all external manifestations in the Universe.  For instance external phenomena observed on the planet — geographic, climatic and seasonal, were not viewed as separate and distinct from internal changes such as emotions and our responses to them.  To understand one meant to better comprehend the other.  One of the primary laws recognized and respected by the Ancient sages is the “universal law of energy response.”  It is the understanding that energies respond to and attract energies of corresponding frequencies.  Thus the physical, emotional, and mental energies of a person in harmony with universal laws will be harmonious. Those who violate the laws of nature manifest disorder, disharmony and disease.While for many of us living in harmony with nature 24/7 is something we would like, most of us feel it it is not necessarily something we can achieve — particularly when we interact with our modern world. However, if we can at least be open to the idea that we are not separate from Nature and actualize that awareness in our daily living we can begin to understand the wisdom of our ancient and modern day sages.  Living in harmony with the seasons is one way to actualize this and has always been a fundamental tenet underlying Chinese medicine.  It is a recurring focus whenever we speak about nurturing optimal health. Attuning ourselves to the seasons is a necessary step to find our way and begin the journey towards attaining and maintaining true health.   Future seasonal blogs will continue the conversation around seasonal attunement.  Let’s begin with Spring…..

Johanne Picard-Scott
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